Filip Grbić

Filip Grbić is 26 years old, is from Belgrade, Serbia, and holds a bachelor’s degree in political science obtained at the Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Belgrade. He is currently a senior year master’s degree student of European Studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana. During his 2-year stay in the capital of Slovenia, he has obtained valuable intercultural experience, living and studying abroad, meeting like-minded young people from different parts of the world. A believer in lifelong learning, Filip has many interests spanning the EU and his home country’s accession process, studies of languages, cultures and religions, the position of marginalized groups and topics surrounding the issue of the environment and the green transition. He also holds a strong interest in the regional, cultural and security cooperation among the Western Balkans states, with the perspective of them joining the EU. He is currently working on his master thesis titled “Religious soft power of the Serbian Orthodox Church: the cases of Montenegro, Republika Srpska and Kosovo”. He speaks Serbian, English and Slovenian.